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The Great States of Taxes By [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Gene_Lalor/229391]Gene Lalor Let's have a nice round of applause for Alaska, Florida, Nevada, New Hampshire, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, and Wyoming. Those are the only 9 states without a personal income tax and where citizens don't have to wait for their state governments to send them their annual refunds for overpaid taxes. And, let's have a rousing Bronx cheer for those taxpaying dolts expecting a hefty refund from their respective state governments for giving those governments, as well as the feds, an interest free loan for a year or more. You usually only get a big refund if you have your employer over-withhold taxes from your wages so you're effectively giving the federal treasury as well as your state and local governments that tax free loan. I must say that's very generous of all you hefty refunders out there. It's also very stupid. Even dumber are taxpayers who agree to over-withholding in states having the greatest troubles balancing their budgets. Those are the states-including California and New York-which have announced that they will be glomming even more money from their hapless denizens by not issuing refunds on time. Try taking one of Governor Arnold's IOU's to the bank or grocery store or to that travel agency that was booking your trip to the Bahamas with that refund "windfall." You may have to settle for a trip to the backyard until your governor gets around to returning your money. You should receive interest on that extended, forced loan but don't bet on it. As Tax Freedom Day, the day on which working Americans will have paid up all their federal, state and local tax levies, approacheth, it may be time for some taxpayers to re-jigger their W-4's, unless of course they enjoy giving interest-free loans to politicians. Those who don't relish such grand displays might want to consider hiking their "dependents" to a number commensurate with their deductions. It's all quite legal but try not to underpay or else you'll be hit with a minimal penalty. Many taxpayers over-withhold as a way of compensating for an inability to save money on their own. They use taxes as a form of forced savings and like seeing that big refund check come in the mail. Again, it arrives sans interest as opposed to your getting your money every payday which you could then invest. If your refund usually amounts to 2 or 3 digits, that advice is irrelevant. If it comes to 4 or 5 digits, it would amount to some real money if invested judiciously. Tax Independence Day or Tax Freedom Day, the day on which Americans finally pay up their annual taxes changes every year, usually gets later and later. For 2009, it was April 13th, meaning the average American had to work 103 days to pay off various taxes. Keep in mind that's an average. Alaskans were paid up 3 weeks earlier, Connecticut and New Jersey workers weren't done coughing it up until 3 weeks later. By way of comparison, a hundred years ago tax free day was January 19th and the tax burden was a paltry 5%; fifty years later it stood at April 11th and the burden at 28%; a half century later, the date had moved up by 2 days, and the tax burden held steady at 28%. Those numbers sound pretty fair and reasonable unless one considers the much larger pie that governments were slicing in 2009 vs. 1960. Let's see what they look like after a decade of obamacare. Much of the rest of the world views America with a pronounced case of tax envy: Canadians work work until June 6th and pay 43% of their hard-earned money to various levels of government. Other dates and percentages include the semi-socialistic UK coming in at May 14 and 37%, France at July 15 and 54%, and the winners of the tax sweepstakes, Sweden and Norway, July 29th and 57%: http://bit.ly/8ZBRW9 Americans can't hope to compete with those tax burdens, yet. But, if you thrive on the idea of wasting money in unnecessary tax withholding, keep it up! Your generosity helps keep my taxes down. http://genelalor.com Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?The-Great-States-of-Taxes&id=3957909] The Great States of Taxes 
