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What to Know About Moving to Washington DC
By [http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jason_Kay/187105]Jason Kay 

If you are considering a move to Washington DC, there are some things that you should know about before you actually pull the trigger. Washington DC is considered by many as a great place to live. There are many prospects for the right person in the Nation's Capital as it is filled with many types of job opportunity. However, Washington DC may or may not be right for you, so it helps if you look into what is store for you if you do decide to make the move to Washington DC.

Washington DC is made up of a vast network of professional and Government jobs. Obviously, if politics are your thing, then Washington DC would be the ideal place for you to be as it is home to the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of Government. However, because Washington is such a virtual hot bed for Government, it makes it extremely competitive for those seeking a job in the political spotlight.

Many younger people come to DC straight out of college with aspirations of getting into Government and are surprised to find that it is not as easy as they anticipated. While Washington DC obviously offers much more than mere politics as a career, if you are seeking Government employment, you might want to be sure that your services will be needed before you make the actual move. Of course you could always take an entry level position and hope to work your way to the top, but keep in mind that there will already be many established in Washington DC doing the exact same thing which makes your plight all the worse.

Another factor to consider with Washington DC is the price, or more accurately, the cost of living. Rents are not cheap by any means in the Washington area and this often leaves newcomers with some level of shellshock. Washington DC is comprised of a diverse community, but for the most part, there are two income earners per household so it is tough to make it on your own, especially if you are just starting out.

It is for that very reason that many people will choose to live on the outskirts of Washington DC instead of directly in the heart of the Capital. Then over time, once a good enough job is established, they may make the permanent move into Washington. However, living in the 'burbs' also comes with its own set of drawbacks, such as a longer commute to work and parking fees on a daily basis. However, there is an extensive network of public transportation options for those coming into DC from the suburbs. You may be forced to settle for a smaller apartment in order to stay in your price range, meaning you may have to also pay for [http://www.easystoragesearch.com/]self storage if you don't have room for all your belongs.

If you have a family, particularly with children, then a large concern for your Washington move should be the schools. While some schools are just fine, others are among the worst to attend in the area so you really need to do your homework when you are deciding on an area to settle into. The best thing to do is investigate local school's performance over the last couple of years and then try to find something in a good school district.

Washington DC is a place that is never at a loss as far as things to do go, but if you plan on becoming a true 'Washingtonian' then you need to realize that the vast majority of residents in the area almost always put their work before their play. Therefore, your social life may not be what you are used to or what you want it to be. It simply comes with the territory and if you are new in town and are not yet 'established' career wise, you may find that it is difficult to find others to relate to. This will of course fade as time goes on and your career becomes one that carriers certain bragging rights, but it can be tough at first.

One of the best things about moving to Washington DC is the never ending supply of sights that you will be supplied with. Washington DC is a place that is literally steeped in the United State's history and the many places that you will get to visit will attest to this. Plus, almost all of the capitol cities attractions are free.

Places like the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, Ford's Theatre, and President Lincoln's Cottage are just a handful of places that you will be able to enjoy almost any time that you wish. However, just keep in mind that as great as these places may seem to you at first, they may quickly just become a part of your everyday life. Just as a full time resident of Orlando, Florida is un-phased by Disney World, over time, you too may become un-phased by the Washington Monument.

Additionally, you should consider your transportation while living in Washington. While a few miles of commuting may not seem like a big deal on the outset, when you actually get to witness a full-blown Washington rush hour, you may quickly change your tune.

Many people in the Washington DC area will therefore opt for public transportation. The most popular forms of public transportation in Washington DC are the Metrorail, which is like New York's subway system, and the Metrobuses. In fact, many who actually live in Washington find that they can get away without a vehicle, provided that they do not need to leave Washington on a regular basis.

Just like any other city in the United States, DC comes with pros and cons. In the end, you have to take the time to weigh them all out and take a long hard look at the final results. If you like what you see then you may want to go through with your plans and move yourself to Washington making it your permanent home.

Jason Kay recommends you find and compare [http://www.easystoragesearch.com/moving-companies/]moving companies at EasyStorageSearch.com

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?What-to-Know-About-Moving-to-Washington-DC&id=6243978] What to Know About Moving to Washington DC

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